XS Lelut says this is a preventive measure, as the products, based on information from the importer, do not meet safety ...
Employees of HOK-Elanto restaurants staged a spontaneous walkout on Friday evening to protest ongoing negotiations concerning ...
In particular, Nordea Bank has been hit by several distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks throughout the autumn.
We began our data strategy journey in 2021. Now, three years in, we’ve had a positive impact on Yle’s mission and ...
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela, says it will start taking into account the money spent on gambling in its ...
Finland agreed to host the event from Helsinki, at Ukraine's request. The meeting will be opened by Prime Ministers Orpo and ...
The Ministry of Employment on Thursday submitted a controversial bill to Parliament, legislation which the government says ...
A fresh newspaper poll shows that a majority of voters are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's handling of the ...
Formula 1 -sarjan Yhdysvaltain Austinin sprinttikisan aika-ajon nopein oli Red Bullin Max Verstappen. Verstappen nappasi ...
Carolina Hurricanes haki voiton Pittsburghista ja San Jose kärsi rökäletappion Winnipegin vieraana. Suomalaiset rohmusivat ...
Portugalin Azorien aluehallitus hyväksyi ehdotuksen merisuojelualueen perustamisesta Pohjois-Atlantin alueelle. Ehdotus ...
Lakipaketin läpimeno on epävarmaa, sillä se vaatii myös konservatiivisen presidentin Andrzej Dudan hyväksynnän.