Renowned as a fashion illustrator, Oscar-winning costume designer, social caricaturist and writer, Cecil Beaton – ‘The King of Vogue’ – was an extraordinary force in the 20-century British and ...
pencil drawing squared in ink for transfer, November 16 1813 ...
Known as the 'Dancing Marquess', Henry Paget converted the chapel of Plas Newydd (renamed Anglesey Castle) into his own Gaiety Theatre. He squandered vast sums on the purchase of jewellery, luxurious ...
(1328-1385), Known as 'the Fair Maid of Kent'; former wife of 2nd Earl of Salisbury and Sir Thomas Holland, and later wife of Edward, Prince of Wales ...
Despite childhood illnesses and lack of formal education, Caroline Herschel defied contemporary expectations by becoming a celebrated astronomer. Her achievements include preparing an index to ...
A South Wales landowner and industrialist. He saw the potential of his family's estates as a site for an extensive ironworks, served by railways. A Liberal Member of Parliament from 1830 until his ...
Sir Caspar Purdon Clarke, museum director and architect, studied architecture at the National Art Training Schools. In 1867 he was employed by the works department of the South Kensington Museum (now ...
A combination of low pressure in the North Sea, hurricane force winds, and high tides result in the Great Flood of 1953. With no warning system many were trapped in their homes as 20-foot waves ...
Abdulmecid I succeeded his father Mahmud II in 1839, becoming the 31st Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. During his reign, he promoted a number of reforms most notably in the Army which benefited from a ...
We have successfully completed the appeal to acquire the cast, Self, by Marc Quinn. We are very grateful for all the donations we have received and for the generous support from the Art Fund and the ...
The daughter of an Outer Hebrides farmer, Flora Macdonald met Prince Charles Edward Stuart as he fled the Battle of Culloden in 1746. Flora helped him escape by boat to the Isle of Skye by disguising ...