The response to a question whether Welshpool needed a Repair Café prompted a positive response with a meeting set to be held ...
“Many will have heard about Powys County Council’s controversial new recycling policy changes, and I remain deeply concerned ...
We have also been talking to OfWat, the water watchdog, to see what can be done. Their guidance dictates that Hafren Dyfrdwy ...
It was a glorious Sunday morning along Welshpool’s stunning canal as runners, walkers and even paddlers launched this year’s ...
A Welshpool-based business is celebrating its 10th anniversary of providing a high-quality service to hundreds of satisfied ...
Plans for the Montgomery Canal will be the focus of a meeting in Newtown next month. The Montgomery Canal Forum will be held ...
Tackling poverty in Powys is set to be the key priority of the Liberal Democrat/Labour administration for the remainder of ...
The group went to the Welsh Schools Cross Country Championships, held in Brecon, in February, with some very impressive ...
A Welshpool man has received the backing of his boss, MP Steve Witherden, as he prepares to tackle a 325-mile bike ride for charity that will take him from one side of the UK to the other.
MyWelshpool is fully behind the 8x10km Challenge that gets underway on Sunday with an open invite for all of our readers to ...
The council has revealed that discussions are still ongoing on which local roads could revert back to 30mph from the ...
In a report read out to councillors from the operations team, it was confirmed: “The Motte and Bailey was visited with the ...