Traveller site, Hut Lane, Chorley A Chorley traveller community who moved onto greenbelt land in the borough 15 years ago and ...
Blog Preston More than 200 people have signed a petition blasting the decision to brand a Preston primary schoo ...
New Hall Lane junction with Blackpool Road A motorcyclist was taken to hospital after a crash with a van in Preston. Police said at 6.37am this morning ( ...
Jo Gribben and Puddle the Duck A local businesswoman and proud owner of swim school Puddle Ducks Lancashire, which operates in Preston, Euxton and Chorley, ...
Attendees at the World Homeless Day event at The Foxton Centre. The Foxton Centre in Preston has identified 23 homeless people who have died in the city ove ...
Amounderness House proposed courtyard and new extension A multi-million pound scheme to bring the city's former court ...
Tony Worrall The weather warning in place for Storm Ashley has been extended to cover a wider geography in Lancashire. Th ...
Preston Symphony Orchestra playing at the event Local artisans and suppliers have been showcased at a Preston to Provence themed car launch. The event, h ...
A stormy and windy looking sky above Preston's skyline including St Walburge's Church Pic: Tony Worrall Preston and the surrounding area woke to strong wind ...