Even if you have a high-performance CPU, it is useless if there is a long idle time, but if you put too much load on it, performance will drop, so it is not efficient. GitHub has published the ...
In January 2024, Neuralink announced the first successful BMI implant surgery. The person who underwent the surgery was Arbaugh, who became quadriplegic in a diving accident, and the BMI implanted ...
St. Peter's Basilica is a historic church founded in the 4th century, which enshrines the tomb of St. Peter, who is considered the first Pope of the Catholic Church. The current basilica was ...
The lawsuit dates back to December 2023, when a high school senior, identified in court documents as 'RNH,' was disciplined, including receiving extra classes and being banned from the National ...
The inflation theory, the leading model for the evolution of the universe, states that a mysterious energy caused the universe to expand exponentially at the beginning of the Big Bang, about 14 ...
Manga Editor Desu! is specialized for manga production and allows anyone to easily create manga-style frames and arrange images for free. In addition, by combining it with the image generation AI ...
Appin, a company co-founded by Indian investor Rajat Khare, is engaged in hacking contracting, and have been forced to modify or delete articles due to threats from Khare. A new report from ...
a surge in data center power consumption, which has become a problem. A new study published in the academic journal Nature Computational Science pointed out that the rise of AI is not only causing ...
Xのオーナーであり、OpenAIの共同創業者で元取締役でもあるイーロン・マスク氏が、OpenAIとその幹部・元幹部らを相手取り、「反競争的行為の疑いがある」として独占禁止法違反で訴えている裁判で、新たに、マスク氏側がOpenAIの営利企業化の差し止め ...
サメに襲撃される事故は毎年世界中で約80件報告されており、その中には被害者が致命傷を受けるケースも存在します。世界中のビーチでサメ対策が講じられている中、オーストラリアにあるマッコーリー大学の研究チームが「LEDライトを使ってサメから身を守る方法」を ...
テスラは自動運転機能の先駆者的存在ですが、自動運転中に発生した死亡事故も複数報道されています。「Tesla Deaths」はテスラ車が絡んだ死亡事故をまとめたウェブサイトで、事故の発生日時や自動運転システムが関係した事故の件数を知ることができます。