When Mufasa, voiced by Aaron Pierre, and Taka, voiced by Kelvin Harrison, Jr., reach land, they encounter a lioness named Sarabi, voiced by Tiffany Boone, and her hornbill scout, Zazu, voiced by ...
The married father-of-two, who has pleaded guilty, is thought to have spied on young women for at least four years.
Nosferatu director Robert Eggers was considering three big names to play Count Orlok before making a great call by casting Bill Skarsgård in the role.
Rakuten TV has launched the new FAST channel Nordic Films (Nordiska Filmer), offering a selection of Scandinavian films to viewers in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.
Rakuten TV, a European streaming platform, has introduced a new branded owned and operated FAST Channel, Nordic Films, dedicated to celebrating the very best of Nordics cinema. This new channel offers ...
A celebrity osteopath spied on female university students as they undressed, a court has heard. Torben Hersborg, who has ...
Celebrity osteopath caught spying on changing university students 'agrees to cooperate with police' - Torben Hersborg ...
Hector David Rivera, known for his role as the Green Power Ranger, will be incarcerated for assaulting an elderly man. The ...
Mads Mikkelsen's smoking habit may appear cool but some say that it is pushing a whole lot of Denmark's population to start smoking.
Like many critics, I despised the 2019 CGI version of “The Lion King.” The new animation was ugly and the rehashing of the story from the 1994 classic without many changes made the whole thing seem ...
These thirteen shows had big fanbases and lots of critical acclaim, but that didn't stop them from being canceled.