In the galaxy of Gene Rodenberry's 59-year-old "Star Trek" franchise, humanity enjoys an idyllic, utopian, primary-colored future in which a non-lethal phaser and a persuasive argument can put an end ...
While the standalone adventure doesn't exactly tread new ground, Star Trek: Section 31 is a fun ride that opens up ...
Michelle Yeoh and Sonequa Martin-Green took to the red carpet Wednesday to celebrate the premiere of "Star Trek: Section 31," which lands Friday on Paramount+.
"Section 31" is a wildly addictive addition to "Star Trek's" legacy that does not tarnish the sci-fi property's reputation, ...
Section 31 is Michelle Yeoh. Everything else within the first Trek film of the Paramount+ era orbits around her. The visuals, ...
Olatunde Osunsanmi credited the “relentless” Star Trek franchise overseer Alex Kurtzman, Aaron Baiers (the president of TV at ...