Sony launched the new series of Bravia XR X90K TVs in India, targeted at premium LED buyers. The TVs come in two sizes for now—55-inch and 65-inch; I reviewed the latter. It is the successor to ...
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Despite having none of the current crop of headline-grabbing TV technologies, the Sony X94K (and X90K too, for that matter) is money very well spent. It’s great to watch (as long as you’re ...
Plus, watch in incredible and vivid detail thanks to a QLED panel with thousands of Mini LEDs precisely controlled by Sony XR Backlight Master Drive. Sony XR Triluminos Pro combined with the panel ...
Sony's expensive new XR headset for CAD design with ring and stylus controllers matches Apple Vision Pro display quality and ...
The 77-inch Sony Bravia XR A95L QD-OLED 4K TV is an amazing display with mind-blowing picture quality, and it's now on sale ...
The XR X90L comes in five sizes: 55 inches, 65 inches, 75 inches, 85 inches and a whopping 98 inches. Sony says it's up to 30% brighter than last year's X90K and perfect for PS5; we say the ...
Long story short: this Sony Bravia XR A75L OLED TV is for anyone who wants a ridiculously good screen and isn't afraid to spend a little extra for it — especially when it's $500 off at Best Buy.