How Abe Saperstein Shook Up the World of Sports' looks at proudly Jewish executive's innovations that boosted game's ...
Boaz was buried on October 12 in the West Bank settlement of Dolev. He is survived by his parents, Atara and Gil, and his ...
Amit Itzhak David, 23, from Beit Shemesh, was murdered by Hamas terrorists while trying to flee the Supernova music festival ...
Families demand progress after Hamas leader's death, say there will be no victory without loved ones' return; Hawkish Tikvah Forum calls for increased military pressure ...
PM says Oct. 7 architect 'was eliminated when he fled in panic' from IDF; tells those holding hostages to put down their ...
This is a good day for Israel, for the United States, and for the world,” US President Joe Biden says in a statement reacting ...
US notes initial steps taken by Israel to boost humanitarian aid into Strip, hours after confirming it sent letter warning of ...
US leader to meet German, French, British counterparts, as terror chief's demise is seen as removing obstacle to ceasefire ...
Netanyahu says Hamas leader's demise is 'the beginning of the end' in Gaza, but it's unclear who will now call the shots in ...
Slain troops were members of Golani Brigade's reconnaissance unit; IDF spokesman says terror operatives captured during same ...
Biden says it's 'a good day' for the world, calls Netanyahu to congratulate him; German, British, NATO officials say Hamas ...
Netanyahu tells terror operatives that those who hand over hostages will be allowed to live; far-right lawmakers say now not the time to let up on military pressure for captives ...