I duri attacchi di Musk e di altri libertariani della Silicon Valley contro la legislazione Ue sui servizi digitali in ...
For the first time ever, the CDU has tried to make common cause with right-wing radicals. Protests against these developments ...
Depuis les élections américaines, les libertaires radicaux de la Silicon Valley attaquent les efforts de l'Europe pour lutter ...
E c’è una domanda a cui ancora non si è trovata risposta: quest’isola fa parte dell’Europa? Secondo il Consiglio nordico, ...
Una conversación con Olha Mukha sobre la guerra en Ucrania, la cuestión del imperialismo ruso en las percepciones ...
Cuando me despedí de Groenlandia, hace muy poco tiempo, no esperaba regresar tan pronto. Pese a ser más grande que Francia, Alemania, Polonia, Italia y España combinadas, Groenlandia alberga una ...
Die Integrität der Wahlen in Europa sowie die Möglichkeit einer Debatte frei von Desinformation aus dem Ausland werden heute durch die wiederholten Interventionen von Elon Musk, dem Chef des sozialen ...
The repeated interventions of Elon Musk, the boss of social network X (as well as Tesla and SpaceX), are raising hard questions. Can Europe’s public debate and elections ever be free of the scourge of ...
With Donald Trump’s renewed interest in acquiring the Arctic island, the risk of disinformation directed against Greenland has only increased: to find out what Greenlanders really want, journalists ...