The EPICS Archiver Appliance was developed by a collaboration of SLAC, BNL and FRIB to allow for the archival of millions of PVs, mainly focusing on data retrieval performance. It offers the ability ...
The purpose of this CRADA is to provide the contractual vehicle for Fermilab to receive funds from the College of DuPage in support of high school student research working with the Fermilab/University ...
A very low power frontend circuit using the compensating common-gate scheme is described. It combines features of the regular common-gate topology and the trans-impedance amplifier (TIA) schemes ...
Simulations of multipacting with or without space charge effect bring out a different behavior of particle number growth, namely, the exponential growth of particle number in the simulations without ...
General vacuum stability of orbifold gauge breaking and application to asymptotic grand unification ...
The effect of noise induced by gravitons on a Bose-Einstein condensate has been explored in (Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 026014; ...
This contribution gives a panoramic overview of the development of N=8 supergravity and its relation to other maximally supersymmetric theories over the past 40 years. It also provides a personal ...
A violation of the usual conservation law is proposed in Rastall theory. We consider two generalizations of Rastall theory: Brans-Dicke-Rastall theory and the newly established Rastall-scalar-tensor ...
The thesis presents the measurement of Higgs boson production in association with a leptonically decaying Z boson and cross-section is measured in terms of signal strength modifier and signal ...
The Einstein equations with quantum one-loop contributions of conformally covariant matter fields are shown to admit a class of nonsingular isotropic homogeneous solutions that correspond to a picture ...
An introductory survey on the Schroedinger uncertainty relation and its minimization states is presented with minimal number of formulas and some historical points. The case of the two canonical ...