"Moana 2," a sequel to the 2016 animated film that reunites the wayfinding title character with demigod Maui, sailed to a ...
Republicans now account for nearly 50% of Nebraska voters, according to state data, which also shows a growing number of ...
Thousands of Microsoft 365 customers worldwide reported issues with Outlook, Teams and other services on Monday.
The stock market goes up under any president, but there’s only one Oval Office chief who Wall Street ... The benchmark S&P 500 was positive in 2016 as it is in 2024, though the latest returns ...
Clinton was the favorite to take the White House in 2016 and her defeat sent shockwaves around the country and the world. This year’s results and how election night played out don’t just ...
The 2024 Electoral College map closely resembles the results of the 2016 election, the year Trump defied pollsters and pundits by defeating Hillary Clinton. Joe Biden defeated Trump in 2020 ...
The 2016 election was the first general election that now former President Donald Trump ran in as a major party candidate, defeating then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Trump won the ...
Annual employee and employment estimates for Great Britain and UK split by broad industry group Standard Industrial Classification: SIC 2007. Results given by full-time or part-time and public or ...