In "The Martian," astronaut Mark Watney is screwed ... means of communication later in the book and film, for their first contact they only have the Pathfinder to communicate through and that ...
"The Martian" is one of the finest sci-fi films of the 2010s. Here are nearly a dozen more movies that feature the same combo ...
He recently stopped by our office to share his first impression of Ridley Scott's upcoming movie "The Martian." Produced by Darren Weaver and Kamelia Angelova. Additional production by Kevin Reilly.
Watching Matt Damon’s character "science the shit" out of his limited resources made me think more about drought than any ad campaign ever could The movie is based on a book, which is based on a ...
Matt Damon & Ridley Scott’s The Martian Was Billed As A Comedy At The 73rd Golden Globe Awards (Photo Credit – Facebook) Starring Matt Damon in one of his greatest on-screen performances ...
We won't spoil the other life-saving feats Damon's character pulls off. Look for the movie in theaters everywhere on Oct. 2.