While Brad Pitt's Troy has many great qualities to emulate, Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey must avoid replicating a big flaw that hurt the 2004 film.
The films that have qualified showcase Damon at his outstanding best, making them must-see pictures for everyone who considers themselves a fan of the versatile star. Matt Damon was already a ...
Damon leads the movie as Benjamin Mee ... Steven Soderbergh teamed up with A-listers George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, and Julia Roberts for a vibrant remake set in 21st century Las Vegas ...
"It's not because they weren't offered roles in the same movies, because in fact in 'The Departed', Martin Scorsese wanted Matt Damon's role to be for Brad Pitt." The influencer points to a more ...
Scroll ahead. Leonardo DiCaprio shared, “I get Matt Damon.” To this, Brad Pitt interrupted and admitted that he also got confused with Matt often by his fans. He further continued ...
According to a new report from The InSneider’s Jeff Sneider, Leitch has been in negotiations to potentially helm the new movie ... including Clooney, Pitt, Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Julia ...